The Roman poet Ovid advised women that, "your artifice should go unsuspected. Who could help but feel disgust at the thick paint on your face?" In other words, work hard to be beautiful, just hide what it takes to get there.
Women in ancient Greece hid their grays with henna dye. Ancient Egyptians valued their cosmetics so much, they packed them up for the afterlife: Excavated tombs have yielded lipstick, blush, moisturizers and eyeliner, items sold in drugstores today.
Cosmetics are often dismissed as frivolous. But if that’s the case, why have they existed since antiquity? Jill Burke, author of How to Be A Renaissance Woman: The Untold Story of Beauty & Female Creativity, believes it’s because, for many women, beauty was about more than looking good; it was about survival: "For much of recorded history, women could not own property and were reliant on husbands,” she says. Beauty was a path to attaining security—especially in a world where appearance was conflated with worth.
Physiognomy, the belief that character could be read in one’s physical appearance, was popular in Renaissance Europe. Curly hair meant you were “argumentative and infertile," while, "if you were too blonde or too plump, you weren’t smart,” Burke says. It’s no surprise, then, that beauty advice was big business. The Ornaments of Ladies by Giovanni Marinello, published in Venice in 1562, contained over 1,400 cosmetic recipes arranged by the body part in need of correcting.
Given beauty’s importance, a woman caught altering her looks aroused serious suspicion. In the mid-19th century, a London newspaper joked about an alleged colonial-era act that would have allowed men to divorce wives who misled them about their appearance:
"All women...that shall from and after this act impose upon, seduce, or betray into matrimony any of His Majesty’s subjects by the use of scents, paints, cosmetics, washes, artificial teeth, false hair...high heeled shoes, or bolstered hips, shall incur the penalty of the law now in force against witchcraft...the marriage, upon conviction, shall stand null and void."
Given beauty's power to bewitch, such a law would likely be unenforceable.
Did you know? Madame C.J. Walker became one of the first self-made female millionaires with her cosmetics empire, centering Black beauty.
The Fairest of Them All